Join Brown Belts Paul and Wes as they discuss the challenges and benefits encountered on the road to Jiu Jitsu Black Belt. Discover Jiu Jitsu based topics such as training protocols, injury prevention, mind and body recovery, nutrition, lifestyle, and more! Plus occasional interviews with Jiu Jitsu practitioners and interactive Q&A with hosts!

Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Ep 40 - AZ Competition Scene
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Tune in this week as Paul and Wes discuss a busy week for Arizona Jiu Jitsu including two Fight To Win (@f2wbjj)events and the @IBJJF Phoenix Open! The guys recap the events and point out that TRTB former guests went 3-0 on Friday's Fight To Win event! Josh Guerra (@guerra_bjj) Aaron Wilson (@aaronwilsonbjj) and Josh Rodriguez (@jrodjiujitsu) all won in impressive fashion! Enjoy this week's episode! Please share this episode with your favorite AZ grappler!
Thanks to our podcast sponsors:
THE BJJ PHYSIO - Check out www.thebjjphysio.online for your Jiu Jitsu therapy and performance needs. All mobile solution for keeping your body in elite Jiu Jitsu condition! Follow @the_bjj_physio on Instagram!
ROLLUNION JIU JITSU - Head over to www.rollunion.com for latest and greatest Jiu Jitsu casual and athletic wear. Signup for the newsletter for exclusive discounts on new drops! Check out @rollunion on Instagram and give them a follow! For those who roll!
Thanks For Listening!

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Ep 39 - DDS & Team Dynamics
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
The Danaher Death Squad has broken up!!! The news of the week in BJJ is that DDS is disbanding. Where will they end up? Who is leaving? Listen in as the guy's share their thoughts on the DDS breakup but also discuss team dynamics in general as it relates to success. Enjoy this week's episode!
Thanks to our podcast sponsors:
THE BJJ PHYSIO - Check out www.thebjjphysio.online for your Jiu Jitsu therapy and performance needs. All mobile solution for keeping your body in elite Jiu Jitsu condition! Follow @the_bjj_physio on Instagram!
ROLLUNION JIU JITSU - Head over to www.rollunion.com for latest and greatest Jiu Jitsu casual and athletic wear. For the stylish and the savage! Check out @rollunion on Instagram and give them a follow!
Thanks For Listening!

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Ep 38 - Special Guest: Josh Rodriguez
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
This week the guys welcome good friend and @gdjjacademy instructor Josh Rodriguez! Tune in to hear some great insight as Josh shares his thoughts on specialized training, advancing towards the Black Belt, and embracing the Jiu Jitsu lifestyle. Josh also speaks about his recent harrowing surgery experience and the difficulties he had in 2020. His outlook is positive and he's ready to continue to grow and share his knowledge as one of Arizona's best Jiu Jitsu instructors! Don't you dare miss this episode! Follow @jrodjiujitsu on instagram!
Thanks to our podcast sponsors:
THE BJJ PHYSIO - Check out www.thebjjphysio.online for your Jiu Jitsu therapy and performance needs. All mobile solution for keeping your body in elite Jiu Jitsu condition! Follow @the_bjj_physio on Instagram!
ROLLUNION JIU JITSU - Head over to www.rollunion.com for latest and greatest Jiu Jitsu casual and athletic wear. For the stylish and the savage! Check out @rollunion on Instagram and give them a follow!
Thanks For Listening!

Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Ep 37 - Gi or NoGi: Should you train both?
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Do you prefer training in the Gi or NoGi? Should you only focus on one aspect of our beloved art? Listen as the guys share their feelings on the differences between the two and offer advice on how to learn both. NoGi Jiu Jitsu is growing rapidly and more people are starting their BJJ careers strictly training without the Gi. The beauty is that we as practitioners can benefit from training both styles. Tune in to this week's episode to learn how!
Thanks to our podcast sponsors:
THE BJJ PHYSIO - Check out www.thebjjphysio.online for your Jiu Jitsu therapy and performance needs. All mobile solution for keeping your body in elite Jiu Jitsu condition! Follow @the_bjj_physio on Instagram!
ROLLUNION JIU JITSU - Head over to www.rollunion.com for latest and greatest Jiu Jitsu casual and athletic wear. For the stylish and the savage! Check out @rollunion on Instagram and give them a follow!
Thanks For Listening!

Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Ep 36 - Academy Culture & Etiquette
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
This week the guys are talking BJJ etiquette once again! Academy culture can vary widely across the globe so it's always good to understand and adhere to gym norms whenever possible, whether training at your home gym or training as a visitor in other academies. Tune in as Paul and Wes discuss some of the norms they are familiar with and offer advice on how to be the best training partner and student throughout your Jiu Jitsu journey! Enjoy!
Thanks to our podcast sponsors:
THE BJJ PHYSIO - Check out www.thebjjphysio.online for your Jiu Jitsu therapy and performance needs. All mobile solution for keeping your body in elite Jiu Jitsu condition! Follow @the_bjj_physio on Instagram!
ROLLUNION JIU JITSU - Head over to www.rollunion.com for latest and greatest Jiu Jitsu casual and athletic wear. For the stylish and the savage! Check out @rollunion on Instagram and give them a follow!
Thanks For Listening!

Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Ep 35 - Approaches To Learning Jiu Jitsu
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
In this week's episode Paul and Wes talk about various approaches to taking in and structuring Jiu Jitsu knowledge. We are thrown a ton of techniques during Jiu Jitsu classes so it only makes sense to have a well thought out approach to retaining information. Listen in as the guy's share some concepts from their own experiences but also from @jonthomasbjj who has great insight on the topic. You won't want to miss this one! Enjoy this week's episode!
Thanks to our podcast sponsors:
THE BJJ PHYSIO - Check out www.thebjjphysio.online for your Jiu Jitsu therapy and performance needs. All mobile solution for keeping your body in elite Jiu Jitsu condition! Follow @the_bjj_physio on Instagram!
ROLLUNION JIU JITSU - Head over to www.rollunion.com for latest and greatest Jiu Jitsu casual and athletic wear. For the stylish and the savage! Check out @rollunion on Instagram and give them a follow!
Thanks For Listening!

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Ep 34 - Special Guest: Patrick Almeida
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
This week Patrick Almeida joins the show! Tune in as the guys talk Jiu Jitsu lifestyle with Patrick as he shares some experience from his thirteen years Jiu Jitsu. Originally from Rio de Janeiro, Patrick has taught and competed in Brazil, Russia, Portugal, and currently resides in south Texas. With a wealth of experience training and teaching across the globe, Patrick has big plans for this competition season and shares his current competition goals on the podcast. Don't miss this episode and follow @patrickbjj on Instagram!
Thanks to our podcast sponsors:
THE BJJ PHYSIO - Check out www.thebjjphysio.online for your Jiu Jitsu therapy and performance needs. All mobile solution for keeping your body in elite Jiu Jitsu condition! Follow @the_bjj_physio on Instagram!
ROLLUNION JIU JITSU - Head over to www.rollunion.com for latest and greatest Jiu Jitsu casual and athletic wear. For the stylish and the savage! Check out @rollunion on Instagram and give them a follow!
Thanks For Listening!

Wednesday May 26, 2021
Ep 32 - Special Guest: Aaron Wilson
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
This week the guys welcome guest athlete and high level competitor Aaron Wilson! Listen up as the guys speak to Aaron about overcoming a sudden and major health crisis and how he is ready to make some more noise on the Jiu Jitsu competition scene. Aaron shared his approach to diet, fitness, and sports performance and talked about the importance of wrestling throughout his life. Aaron killed it in this episode and will be fighting at Combat Jiu Jitsu Worlds in June 2021! Checkout @aaronwilsonbjj on Instagram to follow his journey!
Thanks to our podcast sponsors:
THE BJJ PHYSIO - Check out www.thebjjphysio.online for your Jiu Jitsu therapy and performance needs. All mobile solution for keeping your body in elite Jiu Jitsu condition! Follow @the_bjj_physio on Instagram!
ROLLUNION JIU JITSU - Head over to www.rollunion.com for latest and greatest Jiu Jitsu casual and athletic wear. For the stylish and the savage! Check out @rollunion on Instagram and give them a follow!
Thanks For Listening!

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Ep 31 - Action > Reaction & Learning Concepts
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
In this week's episode the guys talk about learning concepts such as action/reaction and identifying windows of opportunity. If you have a good instructor then you will most likely have experienced these concepts in the academy. These concepts are common in Jiu Jitsu and in some ways are the essence of the art! Listen in as Paul and Wes also chat about the tournament scene in Arizona and across the country and how Jiu Jitsu continues to grow in spite of the effects of the pandemic. Enjoy the episode!
Thanks to our podcast sponsors:
THE BJJ PHYSIO - Check out www.thebjjphysio.online for your Jiu Jitsu therapy and performance needs. All mobile solution for keeping your body in elite Jiu Jitsu condition! Follow @the_bjj_physio on Instagram!
ROLLUNION JIU JITSU - Head over to www.rollunion.com for latest and greatest Jiu Jitsu casual and athletic wear. For the stylish and the savage! Check out @rollunion on Instagram and give them a follow!
Thanks For Listening!

Wednesday May 12, 2021
Ep 30 - Current Events & Private Lessons
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
In this week's episode, Wes and Paul chat about Gordon Ryan's recent appearance on the JRE Podcast. Gordon is a polarizing figure in the Jiu Jitsu world and the guys talked about his legacy and what it must be like to be the King of No-Gi Jiu Jitsu. For the second half of the episode the guys discuss the value of private lessons and when might be the best time to invest in them. Subscribe and listen now!
Thanks to our podcast sponsors:
THE BJJ PHYSIO - Check out www.thebjjphysio.online for your Jiu Jitsu therapy and performance needs. All mobile solution for keeping your body in elite Jiu Jitsu condition! Follow @the_bjj_physio on Instagram!
ROLLUNION JIU JITSU - Head over to www.rollunion.com for latest and greatest Jiu Jitsu casual and athletic wear. For the stylish and the savage! Check out @rollunion on Instagram and give them a follow!
Thanks For Listening!